I am studying for my ‘Issues in Third World Development’ test,

which is in a few hours, and I really just wish the class covered Africa more. I really am just not as interested in Latin America and frankly, Africa faces much more interesting and significant developmental challenges than Latin America, given that it’s the only continent with any countries experiencing negative growth over the past few decades.

I’m probably just biased, because statist solutions to statist problems at least look like they work in Brazil and Chile.

In other news, the other day I tried to explain to my mother how dangerous our tap water is and she treated me like I was delusional for questioning the benefits of fluoride as evidenced by SCIENCE (those studies are from the 1940’s, if you were wondering and one pea-sized dab of toothpaste has the same amount of fluoride as a glass of water, even though the former indicates that you should call Poison Control if you swallow it)…

We also have a freeze warning and a fire warning. Welcome to Texas. 

Okay, gotta get back to the missing daughters phenomenon (yes, Professor, phenomenon is the singular form and phenomena is the plural form. You’re married to a German; how is your grammar not immaculate?). The researchers at the United Nations are the most long-winded, boring writers of all time, after authors of congressional bills.


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