Tag Archives: dog training

The Non-Aggression Principle should ALWAYS apply to parenting.

I just saw a girl practically dragging her Golden puppy by its leash. If this is how you handle a 2mo. old, difficult or not,


As long as you think force is an appropriate way to teach, you should not be in the position to do so. Go buy a goddamn potted plant or a goldfish or something. You do not have the right to treat anyone with that level of disrespect and if those evolution-perfected puppy eyes don’t make you feel warm and fuzzy inside, you are probably dead inside and should not own any sort of living thing, much less take on the responsibility of raising an animal which absolutely must be nurtured and a breed which depends so heavily on affection and intellectual stimulation.

If someone just doesn’t know how to train their dog, I’d be more than happy to help teach them. But the failure to seek out help is profoundly immature and detrimental to the psychological development of your dog/child/any other warm-blooded animal.

Seriously, if y’all ever want any advice on pets, my ask box is open. After I accepted I couldn’t aspire to become a dog, I spent the rest of my childhood training child-aggressive dogs. I have a socially acceptable addiction.

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